jueves, 26 de febrero de 2015

PLANNING AN E-TIVITY- ICT Into Foreign Language Teaching and Learning


Name of e-tivity

Choose an enticing one
Present simple routines

Focus on one learning outcome at a time, and write in words your students can understand

The usage of the simple present for describing activities of daily living will be strengthened by developing this activity.   (This activity will be developed according with the concepts worked in class.)
What type of participants?
How many participants?How?

Who is this activity intended for?
Will your students work in groups?
Ideally, what would be the top amount of students for this activity?

This activity is designed for the students group of "Beginners I".  This group is formed by 20 students with ages between (eleven and twelve years).  The first part in this activity (My personal routine) will be developed individually and the final presentation (The ideal routine) will be a group work.  These groups (with more or less five people) will be agreed between students.
Structure, layout and materials

¿How will you present the activity to your students?

What materials would you use for this e-tivity?
Are they available on the web?
Do you have to create them?
The activity will be introduced through questions, readings and examples, then it is possible to use the following video:


As materials it will be necessary: Some copies, board, marker, computers with Internet connection, video camera and other materials as props.
E-moderators time

How long do you think it will take you to execute this e-tivity?
The time appointed for this work is three classes (two hours every class), in addition teacher should be attentive to the chat questions and comments.  If it is necessary, teacher should invest some time advising the groups for the video.
E-moderator actions

¿What is your role to develop this activity successfully?Describe briefly.
The moderator should be sure that simple present concepts have been taught, explain appropriately the E-tivity, provide all materials that students need, be attentive during class work and be ready to guide and advise the group when they need it. In addition, teacher must qualify the E-tivity and give corrections.
Student time

How long do you think your students will take to complete the e-tivity?
Every student should attend to class investing two hours during three sessions, besides this everyone should invest maybe three additional hours in homework to complete the activity.
Student actions

Describe the actions students will execute to complete the e-tivity
During the first  session the students should elaborate an illustrated story where they present their personal routine.  This story should be short (more or less 15 lines), illustrated (one sentence and an image according to the idea) and obviously coherent (using the rules learned).  The students should put this text in the school blog.
During  second and third session the students should agree about their groups.  After this,  they should think in what is "the ideal routine" by having in mind a model teenager.  So, they should elaborate that ideal routine, using the grammatical structures learned and  and prepare a  video in which everyone should represent some part of the ideal routine (students can use some disguises according to the dramatization).  It is important to pay attention in  pronunciation too.  This presentation should be shared with other classmates through the school blog.

Every group should comment the different videos and every student can use the chat to make questions or suggestions.


Design a rubric to asses the e-tivity

*Table adapted from Salmon, G. (2002) E-tivities: a key to active online learning.  Routledge, London.

Student’s name­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­:___________________________________________________________________
Grade­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_______________ Project:_____________________________________________________

POOR (1-3)
 REGULAR (4-6)
GOOD (7-9)
Oral presentation
Almost all vowels are mispronounced.
Some mispronunciations of vocabulary words.
Pronunciation of vowels is clear.
Pronunciation of vowels is crisp and clear.
Read most of text
Hesitations when speaking. Needs more preparation.
Some hesitations when speaking.
 Assignment shows good preparation.
Did not use correct verbs?
Many errors in grammar and basic structures
Chose correct verbs.
Consistent correct use of grammar.
Obvious use of online translation
Some mistakes in choice of vocabulary relevant to topic.
Uses correct vocabulary according to topic most of the time.
Uses correct vocabulary in context.
Writing- grammar
Obvious use of online translation
Some mistakes in choice of vocabulary relevant to topic
Uses correct vocabulary according to topic most of the time.
Uses correct vocabulary in context
Did not use simple present verbs correctly.
Many errors in grammar and basic structures.
Uses verbs correctly.
Consistent correct use of grammar functions and targeted structures.
Read the story does not flow easily.
The story makes some sense and is a little difficult to follow.
The story makes sense and is easy to follow.
The story flows very well.
The script is messy and does not follow the prescribed format.
The script is a little messy
The script is neatly written or typed and follows the prescribed format.
The script is very neat and well organized



source: http://www.rcampus.com/rubricshowc.cfm?code=G65ABX&sp=yes

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