jueves, 26 de febrero de 2015

E-tivity using a digital story

Name of the E-tivity
Loving my country

Students will reflect on how they value their country
Students will be able to understand and recognize language spoken
Type and number of participants
Teenage students on a A2-B1 language level course
Structure, layout, and materials
1.    The teacher will introduce the topic. Some key questions would be: if you have to give a price about whatever you do, how much would it be?
2.    The teacher will display some photos of Colombia and put a value of them. Students must explain why they put what they put.
3.    Teacher will show them a videos about how carnivals in Colombia; and open discussion will be set.
4.    Students will have to write now a paragraph about what ideas they have changed during the time of this lesson.
E-moderators time
This Task will take 2 hours of class
E-moderators actions

Students Time
This class is concerned to the use of language written and spoken, then the teacher should be here the guide and the one to give the word.
1.    At the beginning, the teacher will have the time to share his opinion about the topic and get students into the mood about the topic.
2.    In the conversation the teacher should let students talk more than he does, but he has to hold the conversation.
3.    The teacher will be an assistant in the writing process of students. He must give the guidelines to write the paragraph

This activity will take 2 hours (one session of class)
Students Actions
For understanding everything they have to do:
1.    Students must be attentive on teacher’s explanation and what he wanted students to talk. At this point, students are expected to ask as many questions as possible
2.    When speaking and discussing, students are encouraged to participate actively on all topics to be carried out.
3.    Students must follow teacher guidelines to write their own thoughts. They should work cooperatively.

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